How Should You Care for Your Lips After a BOTOX® Lip Flip?
The BOTOX lip flip at Madeliene Elaine is an excellent choice for patients in Chevy Chase, MD who hope to enhance their lips' natural look and create that perfectly kissable pout. However, caring for your lips after treatment is essential to achieve optimal results. Aftercare for a BOTOX lip flip is manageable. Most instructions focus on activities you should avoid after your appointment with Dr. Madeliene Elaine Gainers and things you can do to reduce pain, swelling, and bruising.
Keep reading to learn our favorite tips to promote a fast and comfortable recovery after BOTOX lip flip surgery.
Apply ice after your lip flip
Swelling after a lip flip is normal and may last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on multiple factors. Keep in mind that this initial fullness will decrease as the swelling goes down, eventually revealing a more natural, plump pout. As with any swelling, a simple ice pack can help tremendously. Apply ice to the treatment area every 5 – 10 minutes, for up to six hours. Just be sure to wrap the ice in a towel first, as touching your sensitive lips directly with ice will likely be painful.
Minimize bruising
You may notice bruising or a small bump at your injection sites for a few hours following treatment with Dr. Gainers. Although some people don't experience any bruising after a BOTOX lip flip, don't worry if you're not one of the lucky few. Bruising, like swelling, should be considered normal and can be treated with Arnica pills or Hirudoid cream (available at local pharmacies in Chevy Chase, MD). You can also sleep with your head slightly elevated to minimize bruising.
Avoid exercise for at least 24 hours
We recommend that all patients avoid exercise and other strenuous activities for at least 24 hours following a BOTOX lip flip. A gentle walk is fine, but any other activities that speed up blood flow should be avoided. This is because elevated blood pressure and heart rate can worsen swelling and bruising, and delay healing.
Avoid flying for at least a week
As a precaution, we recommend that patients avoid flying for at least a week after a BOTOX lip flip surgery at Madeliene Elaine. This rule has to do with the air pressure in a plane, which can worsen bruising and swelling. In addition to bruising and other recovery issues, changes in cabin pressure may also cause the BOTOX to migrate to another site in the face, potentially resulting in an unbalanced or undesirable appearance.
Warning signs and when to see a doctor
The BOTOX lip flip surgery is a safe and effective treatment, but as with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks involved. While minor side effects, like redness and swelling, are to be expected, you should contact Dr. Gainers right away if you experience any of the following complications:
Intense or prolonged bruising or swelling
Unusual or excessive pain
Cold sores
Vascular occlusion (This occurs when BOTOX is injected into an artery, reducing or stopping blood flow. Symptoms include severe pain and a change in skin color, which often looks like white spots or blotches)
Schedule a BOTOX lip flip in Chevy Chase, MD
Although these general aftercare tips will help your recovery, it's critical to remember that everyone will have a different experience after a BOTOX lip flip. Dr. Madeliene Elaine Gainers is a board-certified, award-winning dermatologist skilled in treating patients of all genders and ethnicities. If you're interested in learning more about BOTOX lip flip surgery and aftercare, contact us today to schedule a consultation at Madeliene Elaine.